Ninja Sport Competition
All athletes run both the Hybrid and Speed course with the top 10 combined rankings in open and female advancing to the Burnout course. Ranking from the Burnout course will be added in to determine overall ranking. See schedule below for details!
Age groups of 8-9, 10-11, 12-13 are determined by your age as of January 1, 2025. There are 20 spots open for each age group.
Top 3 open and female athletes in each age group earn a spot in the NSC Youth Southeast Sectional at Rock Solid Warrior Apex, Apex NC on August 2-3, 2025. At Sectionals, they can attempt to earn a spot in the NSC Youth Championship at Jungle Gym, Pinellas Park FL on August 30-31, 2025.
Prices (before service fees)
Spectators are free (with limited capacity)
Tentative Schedule
ALL COURSES AND RUNS! Saturday, March 29, 2025 (one day only)
Time | Description | Duration
9:00 AM | Registration Opens | 15
9:15 AM | 8-9 Rules Walkthrough | 15
9:30 AM | 8-9 Hybrid | 70
10:40 AM | BREAK | 15
10:55 AM | 10-11 Rules Walkthrough | 15
11:10 AM | 10-11 Hybrid | 70
12:20 PM | BREAK | 30
12:50 PM | 12-13 Rules Walkthrough | 15
1:05 PM | 12-13 Hybrid | 70
2:15 PM | FINISH
Time | Description | Duration
2:30 PM | BREAK | 15
2:45 PM | 12-13 Rules Walkthrough | 15
3:00 PM | 12-13 Speed | 30
3:30 PM | BREAK | 5
3:35 PM | 10-11 Rules Walkthrough | 15
3:50 PM | 10-11 Speed | 30
4:20 PM | Break | 5
4:25 PM | 8-9 Rules Walkthrough | 15
4:40 PM | 8-9 Speed | 30
5:10 PM | FINISH
Time | Description | Duration
5:25 PM | Break | 15
5:40 PM | 8-9 Rules Walkthrough | 15
5:55 PM | 8-9 Burnout | 50
6:45 PM | BREAK | 10
6:55 PM | 10-11 Rules Walkthrough | 15
7:10 PM | 10-11 Burnout | 50
8:00 PM | Break | 30
8:30 PM | 12-13 Rules Walkthrough | 15
8:45 PM | 12-13 Burnout | 50
9:35 PM | Finish