Sat March 29,2025-Sun March 30,2025
We're excited to be hosting a Season 10 UNAA Area Qualifier at Sterling Gym.
Please read through all provided information below.
There are divisions for children starting at age 6 through 17. Adults aged 18+ will not be included in this event.
- All participants must sign our waiver.
- We will be including an attached waiver file when final run times and run orders are emailed out to all registered competitors.
- You can print and give this to us upon arrival at check in or by email.
- We will also have copies at the front desk upon arrival.
- Our competition will follow UNAA rules and divisions based on your age as of January 1, 2025.
- At the beginning of each wave, participants will be provided with a Walk-Thru, which will consist of a clear explanation, and complete demonstration of each obstacle.
- A qualified coach will be provided to any participant who needs one. Just ask!
- A video will be taken of the Walk-Thru and each run for review purposes only, in the case of a challenge being called by a judge, participant, or coach. Once the wave is complete, all scores are final.
- As a UNAA Area Qualifier. the Top 3 per class and the top 50% of unqualified participants in each division will qualify for Regionals.
- Top 3 in each division will be awarded medals immediately following each wave. If an age group has more than one wave both waves will need to be finished before awards take place.
- Awards will be held after each age division in a separate part of our facility. Top 3 in each age group will receive medals.
- Liquid/powder Chalk and Indoor shoes will be allowed and are recommended.
- Prices (before convenience fees)
- Sign up now to reserve your spot. Spots are limited. All participants must sign our waiver. (Link can be found above)
- $70
- Spectators are free (with limited capacity) (2 Spectators per athlete recommended)
- Tentative Schedule
- All times are subject to change.
- Below are the estimated day/times for our upcoming event.
- Registration will remain open till Friday March 28,2025. The times below may change slightly as more people sign up. This registration page will be updated if any time changes take place.
- Final times and Run order will be sent out via email Friday March 28,2025 to all registered competitors.
- Tentative Times
- 15U/Amateur/Intermediate -Saturday-12:00PM
- 13U-Saturday-1:30PM
- 11U-Saturday-3:30PM
- 9UF-Sunday-9:00AM
- 9UM-Sunday-10:15AM
- 7U-Sunday-1:00PM
Specific start times for each age group will be determined soon. However, there may be a limited number of contestants in each division to make sure each group can start at their scheduled time.