This is a UNAA Area Competition and Rambo Surgery Fundraiser
- $105 (Gets UNAA Area Comp, Speed Competition and 3 skills stations) 50% is donated to Rambo
- $65 Use discount Code- "unaa only" to get $40 off (Get you only UNAA Competition) No Donation
Spectators are free - but you are welcome to get a "spectator donation" ticket if you like: 100% of spectator tickets is donated to Rambo
Tentative Schedule
Saturday Sept 21st (kids)
- 7U 8:00am check in
- 9U 11:00 am Check in
- 11U 2:00 pm check in
- 13U 5:30 pm check in
- Pro & 15 u 7:30pm Check in
Sunday Sept 22nd (adults)
- 40+ and 50 + 9:00am Check in
- Intermediate & Amateur-11:00am Check-in
Specific start times for each age group will be determined soon. However, there may be a limited number of contestants in each division to make sure each group can start at their scheduled time.