Ninja Warrior My First Competition Series - 9U (kids who will be 8 or 9 on January 1, 2024)
This is a competition for kids who have never been in a competition before.
NOTE: This will be held at our South Apex location.
If you've been taking classes at Rock Solid Warrior, that would probably mean you are in Level 1 or Level 2 classes, but even if you haven't taken classes, but you've come to a ninja gym and wonder what a competition is like, this is for you.
We'll be following the beginner-friendly rules of the Ninja Carolina League (NCL), and will run it similarly to an NCL Competition, with just a little more instruction. The Ninja Carolina League, Season 4 will be starting up in September, so if you've been thinking about competing in the beginner division of that league, this will be a great way to see what it's like with even less pressure.
Check out this video to help understand what your first competition will be like.
Prices (before convenience fees)
Sign up now to reserve your spot. Only 40 slots available. All participants must sign our waiver if you have not already.
$25 per athlete
Spectators are free
Rules start promptly at 9 AM, please be there at least 10 minutes ahead of time.